Saturday, December 6, 2008

this is my space... my place to share with you the real personality behind the name VAIBHAV MANI TRIPATHI. Better to introduce myself without writing anything else.
I am Vaibhav, a teacher by profession and a centre- rightist with my orientations.With a masters in political science and interest in world politics intoto sometimes i do think over a series of issues but never share with others. so i opted for this new world of bloging and i know i will get feedbacks and comments from people who either suport my views or reject my views because of certain concrete reasons.

1 comment: said...

hi vaibhav,
I do agree with ur arguments and strongly support ur view and vision for Great India. we the youth of India should always think for that and shold also prepare programme of action in this direction.I Hope, every Indian by the time join us to actualise our notion of MERA BHARAT MAHAN irrespective of age, class, sex, region, religion, etc.
sadanand gupta